Monday, June 28, 2010

My Very First Pair of Sewing Scissors

This is a picture of my first pair of sewing scissors. And yes, I never used them on paper. I learned the lesson at a very young age. They still work well today after forty plus years.

Fiskars has New Colors!!

Dedicated shears are instrumental to sewing. Now everyone can have there own set unique in color. Although my own set was the original orange; it has been updated to coastal yellow. Christine, of course, has the light pink set. Leah is privy to the new blue and Abbey the coastal coral. David also has his own set; grey.

Rule Number One: Never use sewing scissors to cut anything but fabric or pattern pieces pinned to fabric.

Rule Number Two: Never use or borrow my scissors. You have your own. Take care of them and they will serve you well.